Behind The Stack

2024 Runner Ups with Tina from TBR, etc.

Brett Benner Season 1 Episode 15

In this episode Brett sits down with Tina of TBR, etc to discuss five of our runner up choices for Best Books of 2024. Between us we cover a variety of genres from thrillers, to literary fiction, and a non fiction book we both think is fantastic! 

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Brett Benner:

I am I'm really happy that you're on today for everybody who is listening or watching. I'm on with Tina from just a myriad of platforms. You could find her on insta at TBR, etc. You can also now find her on YouTube at TBR, etc. She also has her podcast, which is called book talk, etc. which is awesome. So, I'm so glad you're here. I'm so glad you agreed to do this with me. cause you're always just so much fun and we can just gab our faces off.


Absolutely. Thanks for having me here. I'm so excited.

Brett Benner:

The first thing I have to ask, cause I know like the YouTube thing has been a new deal for you. So how's it going?


I love it. I'm, I don't know. I just think it's so fun. So yes, I'm on YouTube now. I decided to join BookTube in November, honestly, because I had sort of inklings that TikTok would be going away. And I'm like, I want to do this long form content, or I want to do videos in another format. So I thought this would be a good way to ramp into it. And it looks like I'm right. It's looks like it's going through. So, In doing so though, I found I love making the longer videos. It's fun to edit. It's fun to shoot. My biggest issue is finding time where there's not a little child talking in the background. But other than that, I feel so energized from it. I have so many ideas. So now it's just a matter of like actualizing it, but I feel very rejuvenated and I'm, I'm pretty pumped about it.

Brett Benner:

That's awesome. Yeah. I, I really enjoy it.


Yeah, you're all the plates too.

Brett Benner:

Yeah. I just felt, but I just felt like I wanted to, talk more about books and the way that I couldn't do with, certainly with Instagram, with just taking a picture. And I, and I, and I'm not creative enough to do some like fantastic reel or be lip-syncing something. Right. So, and my kids were adamant like that. I, at the time that I not go on TikTok, so I, I started fair. platform. And they were like, no. And so now I'm like, well, I wouldn't invest all this time. So yeah, I, I just really like it because I just think it's different. It's a different crowd of people. It's amazing to me how many people do not cross over, you know, who are really kind of in their lane, which I also think is really interesting.


I know it's interesting. I was trying to think I've well, and certainly I don't know all the creators, but I feel like you and me are both, you know, on Instagram, but we're on YouTube and podcasters as well. Like I don't, you don't often see people that are as crazy as us with the need to be in all of the places. But yeah, it's, I don't know. It's fun and you're right. It's so different. I feel like we get to do different things with each of them

Brett Benner:

yeah, I agree. All right. So today, Tina's on with me to talk about some of our runners up because, you know, everybody in the world and everything in the world is doing best of lists and wrap up lists. And I actually got a Starbucks wrap up today. And I was like, really, tell me how many lattes I ordered for my daughter.


Yeah, right. I don't know if I need that. I'm glad Duncan doesn't do that because it would be an embarrassment.

Brett Benner:

I had a moment though with Starbucks today Because I don't usually get Starbucks. I mean, cause it's just so damn expensive now. However, I did the other day, I was saying to my son, I can't believe they don't do the gingerbread latte anymore. Cause I really, that was the one thing I used to love. And he was like, what are you talking about? They totally have the gingerbread latte. And so I got it, right? And, um, I got one this morning and then I have to stop. But I did realize like you were in a much better position if you're ordering the hot versus the cold, because the ice takes up so much space.


No, I agree. And I'm a cold drinker. So you're getting more bang for your buck. I think you're right.

Brett Benner:

And you do have to pay if you want less ice, you pay for that.


Wait, is that true? I thought you were just like making that up.

Brett Benner:

Absolutely true. No, no, that's absolutely true. Like if you're like light ice, they're charge you like 50 cents more because they have to put more drink in. Anyway. I'm digressing. All right. So, we're talking, some of our runner ups. I was so curious, how much stock do you put in to best of lists?


I love them. I am such, I watch them like a hawk. I'm obsessed truly with end of your content star, but like whatever it is, I want to know. I just like looking back. I look looking back myself. I'm curious to see my favorite recommendation sources, what books they loved. But I don't believe they always get it right. Not the personal creators, but for example, like the New York Times 10 best books of 2024, I was so shocked by. I agree. I was like, huh? Really? But other, you know, some other lists, I think I'm like, Oh, I've never heard of that one. But the ones I like the most are the personal list by people like you. You're actually one of my top recommendation sources. And I'm not just saying that cause I'm here. Um, but yeah, I like to see what books you all think were like the best of the best. I put together mine. I do a whole thing on Instagram cause I think it's fun. I don't know. I think they're a good time.

Brett Benner:

You like I agree. No, I do. And it's gotten better and better. I was thinking, Back when I was young, the only thing there was a best of is Life Magazine and People Magazine. Like that was it. Or like New York Times show, but I wasn't, I wasn't, we weren't in there conscious of books, that capacity, that was No. But I, I used to wait for that year end yearbook issue of Life Magazine to like the year that was, I love that. So I'm like you, I love to look back. And I also, what I, what I find fascinating, especially with like books or music. Is the stuff that you read in the beginning of the year and how that's held up and how what's you've maintained for the whole year, which to me is kind of how I start to construct a list. I'm like, what is still resonating with me maybe 12 months later, it's like the big movies that come out of Christmas, you're like, okay, well, there'll be the Oscar dots, but it's only because that's what you've just seen.


It's recency bias. It's so funny you said that because I was doing, I have a big spreadsheet, that's how I keep track, but I'm not good at keeping track in the moment. So I had to go back over the weekend and do this for like hours, but it was really fun. But in doing so, I'm like, you rated that five stars? I don't think so. Like I found myself rethinking my ratings and going back into Goodreads and fixing them. Cause I'm like, you know, sometimes when I rate a book right after I have read it, I'm like, this was amazing. And then I come back, I'm like, was it really though? And I'm a little more critical, I think the further away I get. And the ones that keep the five star, those are the ones that are on this list.

Brett Benner:

I completely agree with you. I really start to think about what has resonated and what am I still thinking about now? And what do I remember enough of? Because, you know, like we all, we end up reading so much and, You remember plot points maybe or things, but if I can hold on to a large portion of the book, then I'm like, that was a fricking great book. That was a great book. And that was a memorable book. And that was something that, hit all the points for me. I'm also finding as I continue and go on my reading journey, I'm starting to determine what I like more and what I respond to more and the type of books that. Are the things that resonate for me too.


Same. Even as, you know, cause you've been on Instagram or sharing books for a while. Did you start in 2020?

Brett Benner:

Was that when the lockdown happened? Yeah. That was around the lockdown? Yeah. Was that when that happened? Yeah. It was, it was right around that.


Yeah. But I started

Brett Benner:

to like move. I had a personal account, but I just slowly just started to turn into books and then kind of renamed it. And here


we are. I know. And I've been doing this since I can remember. I think 2016 and boy has my reading changed. I know. But it's in a really good way. Like I feel like I'm really good at now knowing what I like. I'm also very consistent, which has been cool to see. So I always recommend everybody track their reading, even if they're not like a reviewer because it's such fun. Well maybe. Maybe not. But I think it's fun data to look at.

Brett Benner:

Oh my god, I completely agree. I really admire people who like you do a tracker or literally write because I, I've not done that completely. I'm more like Goodreads or StoryGraph but I do like you or I'll go back to Goodreads and as the years gone on, I've changed ratings of things as the year progresses because I'm like, okay, I have a better sense of this now. And, and sometimes I'll get through it and be like, that was so good. And then like two months later, I'm like, I don't know what I just read. What did I read? Yeah, I can't remember. I'm clear. So how do you, how do you differentiate between what is your best and your runner's up?


okay, at first I'm like, I don't know how I'm going to, but then as I was going through my spreadsheet, I'm like, this is way easier than I anticipated because There were so many good ones. There were so many ones that I was thinking were going to be on my socials and on our podcast. I do an overall best 10. That's it. I keep it to 10. And the first time I went through my list, I had 14 favorites. And today we're talking about 2024 books, I believe by and large. And so some of them, it was easy. I ranked them and I was like, Oh my God, it made me sad to take them off the list, but now I'm happy because I get to share them here. But yeah, I found this year I had more success with backlist. I was really surprised by that. Cause that I don't think typically happens for me. I have some really good standouts from 24, but a lot that I was like, meh, but I have some good ones to share. It wasn't as hard as I thought, I guess, is what I'm getting at.

Brett Benner:

Interesting. Yeah, I had a, I had a few backlists this year that I absolutely loved. But I've, always wrestled with that every year of like, do you include both? Do you say like best is best regardless of when it is? And so I've always just stuck to, well, I'll stick to what it is this year. If I ever have a year where I kind of evenly read backlist to frontlist, maybe I would do like a best backlist. But I did have some really great ones this year. Were there any surprises for you, like things that you thought would get on the list and didn't?


Yeah, I was actually surprised. So, I guess I was surprised when I was going into my reading experience with them. You know how you just pick up a book and I'm like, this is going to be for me, I know I'm going to enjoy this. Two came off the top of my head. Two that came to the top of my head is the new Kimmy Cunningham Grant, The Nature of Disappearing. I was ready. I loved her book, The Silent Woods. I was like, I love her writing. This is going to be awesome. And it was fine. It was not great for me. So I was sad about that, Also, Blue Sisters by Coco Mellors. I thought for sure I was going to love, because I love a sister story. It was being comped to Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano, and I thought for sure it would be for me. I did not care for it in the way that I thought I expected to. I didn't like the queer representation, and there were some other like squabbles I had with it. So, those were just fine,

Brett Benner:

My last thing, and then I want to get into it. Do you give yourself a cutoff of like, this is it I'm moving on.


I should I really should for content technically Yes, my cutoff is the you know day we record our final podcast episode of the year this year We're recording on December 27th. So it's pretty late. Oh, that's

Brett Benner:



Yeah, I'm gonna keep it going I love to read, you know until the very last moment but I It's been hard because I sampled some 2025 books that I really enjoyed, but I'm trying to keep them until next year because I'm weird and I don't, I'm like, what if they're a favorite of the year? I don't want them in this year's favorites anyway. So my first read for 25 is going to be Wild Dark Shore by Charlotte McConaghy. I like gasped because I wasn't expecting it to come through, but I'm going to read that in January. Even though it comes out in March.

Brett Benner:

it's funny because I've been reading right now all 2025 really to try to figure out about getting people on the podcast, planning ahead. The two that I've read so far, I loved both of them, which I'm not even going to say yet, but they're both great. So let's get into them. So otherwise I'll keep you here all day. Truly. I'll let you go first and then I'll go.


All right. So this list, these are ones that I highly recommend. I love them. I think one or two I got from you as a recommendation. So I'm not surprised by that. But on our podcast, book talk, et cetera, we do an overall top 10. So for these, I just kept it to 2024. These are ones I would happily have in my top 10, but a few just don't. The first one I'll recommend is What Happened to Nina by Darla McTiernan, and I'm really mad that this got snubbed on the Goodreads Choice Awards for Mystery Thriller because it's one of the best thrillers I read this year and in many years. It's about this college couple that goes on a road trip across the U. S. and only the sun comes back, and you hear You know, sort of both families and what they're processing and what they want to go through to protect their kids. This one is so complex. It's infuriating. It's surprising. If you like thrillers, like, I feel like this one is a must read for people who like this genre.

Brett Benner:

Wow. That sounds amazing.


It's really I'm mad about it still. Not because the book's bad, but because she made me feel so activated for these characters. And like you said, if you can remember plot points or if I can remember plot points, that's how I know it's a good one. And I know most of what happens in this.

Brett Benner:

Oh, I love that. Um, okay. my first one is Sandwich by Kathryn Newman it's almost like a slip of a novel about a family that every year goes to, a New England beach town to get together. And it's, it's what we were talking about at the beginning of this conversation about kind of a sandwich generation, they have just graduated college kids and then, you know, it's like a big fricking hug and I loved it so much. I'm also a little obsessed with Katherine Newman just as a writer and a person. Cause I think she is, first of all, she's so fricking hilarious. And a lot of that comes through the book and I wouldn't say it's auto fiction necessarily, but it's certainly heavily influenced by her life. Just a wonderful, really heartfelt family story that, is really beautiful. I loved it.


That one I need to read. I didn't get to it this year and I'm, I should have. I was like, ah, it's buzzy people, you know, at the point when I, when it got on my radar, it was so buzzy. I was like, ah, I'll try it again someday. Yeah. I understand that. But speaking of a buzzy book that I think was worth the buzz, it's Margo's Got Money Troubles, Rufy Thorpe. And is that on your list, Brett?

Brett Benner:

It might be on one of my lists. Yes. Yes. Yes. It is.


You liked it, did you not?

Brett Benner:

I loved it. I loved it.


I was like trying to read it because I hated this fucking book list or what, but no, no, no. I loved it. I loved it too. It's funny, it it, and truly, it probably should be on my top 10 list because it's just, Margot's such a great character. It is unique. It's a great character. It's about a woman who's trying to navigate single motherhood in very modern ways, and I think Ruthie Thorpe did such great justice too. the industry that she gets in. I feel like she did great research for it. It's very respectful and it's funny. It's a funny, complex, great story. And I just love her as an author.

Brett Benner:

Oh my God. I'm with you a hundred percent. And I just thought it was knocked out of the park. And, you probably know this Apple TV is developing as a series and it's Elle Fanning is playing her who also narrates the book. Yes. Yes. Nicole Kidman is supposed to be her mother. Michelle Pfeiffer is playing, um, now I've heard different things. I've heard Michelle Pfeiffer might be the mom and Nicole Kidman might be something else. And then Nick Offerman is her dad, who could be more perfect as casting. Yeah, I'm really, really, really, that's going to be on Apple TV next year and David Kelley is, writing it. but it's a great, I agree, it's again, weirdly to say it's a feel good book when you think about what it's about, but she's such a winning character and I loved all of the people in that book. Yeah. Same. Oh,


I can't wait to see the adaptation. I had forgotten. So I'm glad you mentioned that.

Brett Benner:

My next one had been out in Europe. the UK the year before, but just came out here this year, which was Claire Kilroy's Soldier Sailor, which I thought this was so fantastic. And, um, having never been a mom and never had that, you could speak to this, but, um, I do know what it's like to be a parent and a parent of a small child and the kind of relentlessness that takes place. With a child when they're a baby but also in this book as she's, you know, dealing with a husband who may not be as attentive and feeling like she's shouldering the burden all by herself. And it's almost written like a thriller. To see what this woman goes through and it's, it's, it's one of those books that you can almost sit down in one reading and just, I, I found myself weeping at times. It's almost something I would give to any new parent and say, we should read this book because I think it's a really identifiable kind of narrative.


I'm scared of it. I'm like, am I too close to it? You know, my, well, my baby's now one and actually since she's 15 months, so we just had our appointment. So I know that, but I'm like, is this going to like make me feel good and seen, or is it going to make me sad because it's so true?

Brett Benner:

I don't think it'll make you feel sad. I don't, and it's not a sad book. I like to be sad, though, so who knows, you know,


I like sad books, I should say.

Brett Benner:

I love, I love a sad book. I love a book that makes me cry, but I think, ultimately, no, it is, it's such a testament to motherhood and the resilience of mothers, frankly, to kind of get through this. So, no, I think you, I think you dig it.


All right. I get it back on my list. Now, my next one is criminally underrated. It is Dixon Descending by Karen Oten. I don't know this. Yeah, it's a debut. It's about two brothers, basically. And Dixon used to be an Olympic runner. runner. He's now a school psychologist and his brother is very charming, very charismatic, and he's like, let's do it. Let's be the first black American men to summit Mount Everest. And so they trained for it and they go up there and try and do it. This book is so emotional. It is, gosh, it'll make you feel, I read this back in, I want to say February. I still remember it. And I think it's perfect for winter because obviously it takes place on Everest, but also like before and after. So you get to know these characters so fully. I think this one's really good. And. It only has like, I want to say less than 2, 000 reviews on Goodreads, which makes me mad because it's so good. You may be able to get more now.

Brett Benner:

Yeah. Okay. My next one, this is again, it's such a weird thing. I, when I talk about surprises and I anticipated originally when I first was going to read this this year, I was like, this will be one of my top 10 of the year for sure. And, and I have to say, I really love this, but it did get knocked out, but I do think it's worth mentioning. Which is All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whittaker. It is epic. It is just an epic book. It involves a serial killer. It involves two childhood friends and their life. Like there was a point in the book, I think it was like 90 pages in, I was like, what the hell can happen now? Because so much had already taken place and it just kind of kept going. And again, I was, so incredibly moved by parts of this. I think it's just a great, immersive story.


Yeah, I tried it. I didn't, I'm like the only person that didn't love it, I feel. Yeah, I don't think you're the only one. Yeah, I think, and I hate to be a, you know, because I tried it, I remember where I was, I tried it in multiple formats, it just didn't work, but I'm loving that it worked for so many. Usually I'm with the majority, but I'm like in this case it just didn't land where I thought it would. I did DNF it though, so maybe I'll go back someday if I can be convinced to. Next for me is there's always this year on basketball in Ascension by Hanif Abdurraqib. This is the one I know I got from you. I've tried to describe this so many times now and I find it sort of difficult to do so because it takes on a lot. It's about basketball, yes, but it's also a memoir. It's about people and, you know, who deserve to be heroes. It's about who deserves to be success. It's about teammates and it's just such an interesting story. I love sports, I love athletics, and I think he just did a really good job, you know, sort of balancing, balancing. He's a poet and that's all I can say about it. It's poetry and I just thought it was so compelling. I did the audio and I could have sat for another eight hours and listened to more from him.

Brett Benner:

I a hundred percent with you. Like. Listen, I'm at a loss for words because I think Hanif is just such a gift. And that's what I said. That's the only way I can describe him. And I've told so many people about him because I think he's so brilliant and I think he's so special. And first of all, I'm so glad that you listened to the audio because I listened to the audio too and that I had to, I had to have the book. So I usually at times would even read along with him because his voice is so incredible first of all. Little, little devils and last his previous book that was the first thing I read by him. And I was like, who is this guy? I can not get over the way his mind works. And what I love too, is like, like you said, it is about basketball, but it's not, I feel like he uses the game as an entry point into the larger story that he's getting at. So you don't need to be a basketball fan to appreciate the book. Certainly if you are, then you're going to be like, oh my God. Cause I don't follow basketball and I really was, I was totally with it, but. Yeah, I, uh, I endorse this a hundred percent. I think like, I can't like, I scream from the mountaintops like he is a fricking genius.


Yeah. That's what I said too. I'm like, this man's a genius. How do you think like this? Like, I just sit there and it's one of those books I didn't find myself critiquing as I was reading or like evaluating or reviewing in my head. I'm just like, this is great. I'm having such a good time listening to this.

Brett Benner:

he's somebody too who I would like love to sit down with but I'd be terrified to sit down with because I'm afraid that I would be tongue tied or just start crying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like one of the two


things. Same. Do you know what I mean? Like any people that are, you know, on our level. Like I'm not trying to like, I feel like I

Brett Benner:

would just be apologizing for how stupid I am and probably I would just be like apologizing and crying



Brett Benner:

I'm sure he's like, lovely. I'm sure he's like the greatest. You know what I mean? Anyway. Okay. My next one is housemates by. Emma Copley Eisenberg. This book completely surprised me. And I like, if you said to me, one of your favorite books this year is going to be about two lesbians on a road trip, I'd be like, wait,



Brett Benner:

I just was like, first of all, debut. And for me, 2024 has been the year of the debut. And I've like so many of my favorite books this year are debuts. And this was one of them. You know, it's about these, two women who are in a larger house share, and one of them is a photographer, the other is a journalist. And the photographer, when she was in college, her professor, who was very problematic and had been like me too'd, he ends up dying. And so in his will, he leaves her all of his equipment and effects effectively. So she and her photographer. Roommate go on a road trip and the journalist is going to kind of write the story about it while she documents it with photographs and what happens between the two of them. It is so incredibly beautiful. It's also really interesting because the protagonist, is overweight and that's a big part of the story and the narrative and Emma Copley Eisenberg very much wanted to put a character front and center who was an overweight and very overweight woman, beautiful characters. I love a good character driven novel. And, and this was one of the best. I just thought it was fantastic.


I am definitely going to read that. I'm so surprised to find this on your list, not in a bad way. But like you said, like, I just don't think that I would have, Expected it on your almost made it list. So I'm, I'm glad that we're doing this. So we get to spotlight some of these titles. It was

Brett Benner:

a big year for lesbians for me.


No, literally saying though, literally saying the book I just finished. It's cracked my top 10. It's Fingersmith, Sarah Waters. Obviously you've read it, but I haven't read it. I haven't

Brett Benner:

read it. Oh my God. I got it right down.


It's so good. It's, uh, it's, put it this way, my neighbors across the street, they were like, Oh, you went shopping. What did you buy? Um, and I said, Oh, Fingersmith. Have you read it? And my neighbor goes, Tina, I'm a lesbian. Of course. Fingersmith. I said, Oh, well, damn. I didn't know. I didn't know it was a seminal text. So I just finished it literally like an hour ago. And it's so incredible. Think The Safekeep. Like, very, they could be sisters. Yeah. Okay.

Brett Benner:




Brett Benner:

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm going to look for it after this. Oh, my God. You've got to read it.


Okay. Speaking of lesbians, though, it's so funny that you had this book on your list because my last Almost Made It is Here We Go Again by Alison Cochran about two lesbians who take a road trip. And so, yeah. And this one is a queer rom com, which for me, I am not a rom com girl. But This one is so worth it because what they're doing is, it's enemies to lovers. They start off, they're both teachers and they kind of hate each other and you find out they have some history. But they're going on this road trip with their dying English teacher and they're taking him back to, I think, his hometown for reasons. But he literally is like, um, it's a grief novel. He is basically. dying throughout this book, but it's, it sounds heavy and it can be, but it's so funny. They take this road trip, really good banter. If you like steam, it's in here. I just really liked the characters and I liked the character growth. I also loved their English teacher. I think his name was Joe and I would love an entire book about Joe and his past, but he was just like queer mentor to the two of them. And this book is fabulous. I. loved it. And I want more people to read it.

Brett Benner:

Oh my God. That sounds great. And it sounds like the perfect book end to housemates. I


know. That's what I was like, wait a minute. We didn't plan that, but I'm glad we've got it.

Brett Benner:

How many are, how many, um, subcategories are like lesbian road trip books?


Apparently there's not zero, you know, but yeah, that one was really, I would, I would read housemates too.

Brett Benner:

Um, okay. My last one, again, debut almost. Cracked my top 10 is Henry Henry by Alan Bratton. I


don't know this is an

Brett Benner:

This is an updated version of Shakespeare's, um, Henriad, which I'm sorry, I, I know a lot of Shakespeare, but I don't know Henriad. But this is about basically a spoiled rich kid named Henry and his relationship with his father his relationship with his best friend It is messy he is at times a truly unlikable character for the things that he does, but it's also You Some of it is based on what happens to him and, there's parts of it that are very intense, but not intense like, oh, I can't read this anymore. I just thought it was so fantastic. I happened to listen to this one on audio. The narrator was incredible. I'm one of these people that if I'm reading a book that's set in a foreign country, whether it be, you know, Ireland, England, or something like that, I love to listen to the audio because I love the accents. I know it's so stupid, but it's almost like I feel like I'm in a play.


No, that makes perfect

Brett Benner:

sense. This is one of those things that enriches the experience for me so much. Like right now I'm listening to this book, Ordinary Monsters by J. M. Miro. I mean, not Ordinary Monsters, it's the follow up, Bringer of Dust. And these are fantastic books, which I'm going to do a whole thing about. But the narrator, incredible British voice, and he does all the different voices. So, It just, it makes for coming of age story with a really messy protagonist.


Adding to the list. I've already added it to my Goodreads. That sounds fun. Right up my alley.

Brett Benner:

I think we hit our five.


We did hit our five. Yes.

Brett Benner:

and now I can't wait to see what your rest are. And I can't wait till the end of the month when I get to see your, um, I'm so curious. That's what I was thinking about


you. I was like, I want to know all of them, but I, you know, we'll wait it out. I like to wait it out. I'm doing a countdown onto my Instagram. Like I always do. I do a dumb selfie. Do you do? You do too. Yeah. I do a dumb selfie with the book, but it's tradition now and I love it. So yeah, I think I have my top 10. I'm actually now I'm like, I want to read silly stuff that I know won't make the top 10.

Brett Benner:

No, a hundred percent. And I'm like you, it's like, I feel like I'm really trying to hold off. Even my top 10, I have eight solid, like really eight solid. And then I'm kind of trying to figure out, but there are a few more things that I'm trying to read before then, but I'm thinking this could crack it. You know what I mean?



Brett Benner:

And. And so I don't want to get through it and all of a sudden be like, Oh, but also this was really good. And I'm going to post about it January 1st.


I know. I know. It's a problem. I want to read Martyr because I think I'll really like it, but I'm a little nervous. I'll love it. So that's a, you know,

Brett Benner:

Martyr. I read At the end of 2023 and so I, I, I've already said I can't put it on this year cause I had read it already but whatever, it's the, the struggle is real. The struggle is


real. We are two of a kind though. It like really makes me happy that I'm, that we are, you know, in similar spots with this. That we're freaks. Freaks. Love it. And that's why we are in all the places to talk about books. Like we have to be right. We are just, it's the best.

Brett Benner:

A hundred percent. I mean, it is the best. Well, this has been fantastic. I don't want to keep you longer. Cause I know you have kids and all of the things,


all the things. And,

Brett Benner:

uh, are you done with your, all your shopping for the holidays?


Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. Okay. By and large, all my shopping. Yeah. Un, unlike me. But I have a problem with hiding the gifts and then, you know, Forgetting where they are and then forgetting that I bought them. So I have to really do a deep dive because I'm like, I hate wrapping. They're just in boxes around the house. I have to really get it together,

Brett Benner:

but I'm pretty much done shopping. I have to ask you one more thing. Do you do the elf on the shelf?


I do the elf on the shelf, but we're very low key about it. I like the elf. she just moves from different places, like I don't do like a whole setup and she drops a little gift in our advent calendar. So like today she got a candy cane. Like it's nothing insane, but I'm a big Elf fan. I know a lot of people hate it, but I'm still super enjoying it. And it's funny, every day, like she just loves it. And one thing we did before the Elf came out on December 1st is I put a few more decorations out and she comes running upstairs, Mommy, Daddy, the Elf decorated, funny decorated, like she was so happy. And like that will stay with me forever. So it's worth like the, I love that. We

Brett Benner:

had a woman in my kids elementary school who would do kind of like, dioramas every day, like, and there were multiple elves and then post them and my daughter would come home and I would like literally have to set an alarm to remember to go. Get the elf because there were a few mornings like she'd get up and be like, it's in the same place. And I was like, you know what? Sometimes the elf gets tired. And I was like, he just really likes it over here. Right. I know. I really would. I just got to the point where I was like, when do we outgrow this? Like, Oh, I could


see that. My kid's four, so like we're very new to it, but her friend doesn't do the elf and she came over and Lily was talking all about it and, and the little girl was like, mom, why don't we have an elf? And the mom goes, we don't let Faye into our home. What a wild answer, but like also the little girl was like, yeah, okay, like totally accepted it. And now she comes over and she's like, oh, there she is. And like, whatever. It's just whimsical

Brett Benner:

and fun. These devil worshippers next door, they had enough, though.


We don't let Faye into our home. Serious as can be. I was like, oh my gosh, what?

Brett Benner:

That is so, so genius. And also we're not going to see Wicked. So, anyway.


I know, I know. I want to see that. I haven't yet.

Brett Benner:

Yeah, and I've seen it twice, but I'm like blaming it on my kids. I'm like, oh, you know, the kids. You're like, hey, what are you doing tonight? Yeah. No, I'm so pathetic. I really am. I'm like, anyway. All right. Well, thank you. This has been amazing. And please, I will link all of Tina's various links below. And please, if you're not already following her on YouTube, follow her. Thank you. She is fantastic. And if you're on Instagram, follow her there, all the places and make sure you check out her podcast as well. It's really great. So


I appreciate

Brett Benner:

you. And I'm anxiously going to be watching to see what comes up on your top 10.


My little selfies with the dumb book.

Brett Benner:

I know, I know, it's all about it, all about it. And taking 500 of them to get one picture.


It's getting harder. The more years I'm on Instagram, I'm like, huh, this is different. Like, I'm going to just filter this maybe. I don't know. But anyway, I digress. I know.

Brett Benner:

How can, How can we be creative and how can I have more forehead showing everything


With the millennial angle they call it, where we're holding the camera like above our heads to look thinner.

Brett Benner:

Yes. I actually said to my daughter last night, do you have any bass you could use on my face? And she's like, sit down. And like she was literally and all for like a ten second video I was doing for somebody. But my daughter was totally my makeup artist last night, which I appreciate.


Listen, I'm all for that. I love it thank you for having me.

Brett Benner:

Thank you again, Tina. And once again, as a reminder, all of these titles we talked about today are available on my bookshop. org page, which is listed below in the show notes. So please check that out for any of the titles we talked about today. Also, if you like this podcast and like what you're hearing, please like, and subscribe and why you're at it. Why don't you give me five stars because all of that really helps with the algorithm. And I certainly would appreciate it. And what a nice holiday gift.

Have a great week, everybody. I will not be back next week because of the Christmas holiday, but I will return the following week with my top 10 choices of 2024. So I will talk to you then. Thanks.